Latest Episodes

30: The Ethereum Merge is Here. What It Means, Who's Getting Rich & Why It Won't Be You (w/ Bennett Tomlin)
It's finally here...Ethereum Merge Day. Bennett Tomlin of Crypto Critics Corner and joins Scam Economy with Matt Binder to break down exactly what...

29: Binance and the Mystery of Who is Guangying Chen? (w/ Jacob Silverman)
Journalist Jacob Silverman joins Scam Economy with Matt Binder to discuss one of the biggest mysteries surrounding the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange...who is Guangying...

28: Crypto's Summer From Hell (w/ Molly White)
Web3 Is Going Just Great creator Molly White returns to Scam Economy to break down crypto winter aka crypto's summer from hell with host...

Immutable and the Push to Force NFTs on Gamers (Scam Economy Live Post Show BONUS Clip)
Another BONUS teaser of the Scam Economy Livestream Call-In Post Show! Jon from Australia calls BACK into the Scam Economy Livestream Post Show in...

27: All Your Coinbase Are Belong To Us (w/ Ed Zitron)
Coinbase is America's #1 crypto exchange. Coinbase has also had a very, very bad couple of weeks. Ed Zitron joins Matt Binder on Scam...

Crypto Yield Rates Were Always a Red Flag (Scam Economy Live Post Show BONUS Clip)
A BONUS teaser of the Scam Economy Livestream Call-In Post Show! Listener of the show, Jon from Australia, called into the Scam Economy Livestream...